
Singles - Pressurewound Bronze

GHS Strings Brightness Bar for Electric Bass Guitar Strings

GHS Strings Pressurewound Bass Strings

GHS Pressurewound Bronze strings are an exciting development for acoustic basses. For many years, players have loved the volume and tone of phosphor bronze on their acoustic bass guitars, but absolutely hated the string noise that resulted from it.

To address this, the phosphor bronze cover is run through precision rollers during the winding process, slightly flattening the wrap. This results in the first phosphor bronze bass string that does not have harsh and abrasive overtones and finger noise, just a smooth mid-focused sound. Add balanced construction and a round core into the equation for a truly unique acoustic bass sound.

Pressurewound Bronze are also designed in such a way that they also work well with electric basses.

Why Should You Play Pressurewound Bronze?

  • You love the tone of phosphor bronze strings, but hate the noise
  • You're looking for the clarity and nuance of your acoustic/electric bass
  • You want a unique sounding bass string for your electric
RBB42 Singles - Pressurewound Bronze - .042 - 37.25" Winding Length
RBB54 Singles - Pressurewound Bronze - .054 - 37.25" Winding Length
RBB74 Singles - Pressurewound Bronze - .074 - 37.25" Winding Length
RBB92 Singles - Pressurewound Bronze - .092 - 37.25" Winding Length
RBB120 Singles - Pressurewound Bronze - .120 - 37.25" Winding Length
Brian m.

What is the string tension on these?

Jonathan Moody

Hi Brian, the string tension of these can be found on Page 10 of our Bass String Tension Guide