Grady B.

i agree with most of the negative comments about the form factor. of the last three fast frets that i bought, all of the pads have come off of the handle within 2 to 3 uses each. i cant waste any more money on this product.


Roman W.

It would be so good to have the product in another form. Liquid in a tube with applicator or something. This form factor is extremely flawed. But I have to say: No other similar product works as good as this. But the tubes just dont last. And the form factor just pushes the finger grime into the fingerboard. (Although respectively, I dont have a lot of finger residue)

Paul A.

As much I used to enjoy this product, I can no longer use it because the plastic case will not stay closed in my gig bag and the oil dries out. I can no longer recommend it to my students and friends. I have friends (guitar players) who’ve said the same thing. I’m not personally offended by GHS changing the product. Business is business. But I just wanted to let you know that there are a lot of disappointed customers out there who don’t care enough to write reviews. You can already see a lot of people on Amazon complaining about it. You might want to look into that before you lose market share. I don’t mind the container being plastic, so long as it is engineered and manufactured so that the lid stays on. Best regards,



Steven R.

I have been a huge fan of Fret Fast and have been using over 20 years!! It's my go to. I absolutely HATE what you have done the the formula and the applicator. I've read your replies and it's NOT better! YOU'VE JUST LOST ANOTHER CUSTOMER!!! (BTW..You should update your video demo, it's still the old can and applicator)

Mi D.


I've been using Fast Fret for over 20 years. I have purchased a new "can" today. It's no longer a can, but a plastic flimsy package, I can get over it.

You've changed the applicator and it's all runny. Instead of nice smell, it smells like a toilet cleaner.

Worst things of all of it. I have applied it to my PRS Silver Sky (rosewood fingerboard) and got horrified when the brand new cloth I've wiped the strings with after applying got very visible brown smears and looked dirty. I have no idea what it is, but my fretdboard was clean. I won't be applying it to anything anymore.

It's very sad, whatever the reason is that you have made such drastic changes to a classic and well loved product, I am afraid you have ruined it for me. Please reconsider going back to the original formula.

Jon C.

Hey I love this stuff! About how many uses do you get out of this? I get a little unsure when the applicator gets a little discolored.

Seph B.

Hi GHS! Hoping that you could revert your product (Fast Fret) to its previous version. I was really happy when I switched to your product as I was using one of your competitors before. Really love the smell and feel of it on my strings. Unfortunately, the new version that you have is just not as good as the one I got before. Not a fan of the new handle, zero wrapping on the applicator head and I liked the old tin that you had too. 
Hoping that the comments here will let you know that fans of the product are asking for the old version back! 

Jonathan Moody

Hey Seph, thanks for the feedback! Sadly, many of the things mentioned were pandemic-related. I've explained a couple times about the can, and why we were forced to change. The applicator was twofold; we needed something more durable than the rolled cotton that would fall apart. Companies used cotton for PPE and forced our hand, so we went to the heavy felt. 

I get it, we all get so used to our favorite products that changes can be perceived as strictly cost-cutting measures. However, I'm hopeful that by explaining all of this to many of you that, in time, you'll see that the changes we made (some by choice, some by necessity) were done specifically done to improve the product as a whole. 

Deborah F.

I have been using this since it was invented. The old applicator definitely felt more substantial. But what I miss even more is the metal case. I was so happy when it was available again  after a protracted period and I'm now sorry I did not buy enough caseloads for life. The plastic has never held up.

Jonathan Moody

Thanks for the feedback, Deborah! I can send it along to our purchasing department in regard to the metal case. We liked it too! The supplier felt it was more work to make them for us than not, so we were let go as a client. 

Rax B.

This product used to be essential to me! Couldn't live without it on my practises & shows. 
The new formula is unfortunately terrible. I'll be looking for an alternative now.

Jonathan Moody

Hi Rax, sorry to hear about that. In terms of the formula, nothing has changed. It's the same that it's always been. 

Rax B.


Jonathan Moody

The applicator has certainly changed (and I've answered that a couple of times on here, as it's a mix of looking for something better and being forced to look for something), but the liquid itself hasn't changed. 

Peter D.

I have used this for 20 years, and buy it regularly... it is essential, especially if you play leads/solos/riffs ... and most importantly, essential to the life of your guitar and strings!  I have an additional secret for longer, cleaner string life - first make sure your hands are clean and then use Fast Fret... so I always use hand sanitizer, wait for it to dry, and then only play guitar with clean hands... this, along with Fast Fret makes a huge difference in string life. I actually have a hard time playing guitars with dirty strings, and I think this product should be packed along with tuners in every starter guitar that kids buy.  Thank you for Fast Fret for existing, and for the team that makes it!   I continue to buy it, and I even have one just for the fretboard wood when I change strings. 

James T.

I just received two sticks of Fast Fret from Amazon and it's clearly not the same product as I've been buying from a local music shop.  The applicator doesn't have the paper/plastic coating around it with Fast Fret written on it.  The apllacator seems to be made of different material and it's soaking wet!  I think it may be counterfeit.   Very disappointing if this is a legitimate product from GHS.   I won't be using it, as it would drench my strings and fretboard!

Jonathan Moody

Hey James, thanks for your message. Not counterfeit, as we've had to change a number of things in the past two years (either due to manufacturers closing or simply stopping manufacture) with Fast-Fret, usually at a moment's notice. The handle was a definite choice, as it uses much less plastic than before.

The felt applicator was twofold. We were looking for something that was much sturdier than the rolled cotton that would regularly leave wisps of material on customers fretboards. Second, we were unable to get cotton at all due to the rise in PPE equipment, so we settled on the felt. Because it's a solid piece of felt, it's more durable and does not need a piece of paper/plastic around it to stay together. Plus, it holds more fluid. 

I will bring your concern to production regarding the amount of fluid in the applicator. We're always looking for ways to dial in the amount to make sure players still get more than previous, but not so much that it's causing a mess. 

dave m.

yep, same issue here. I've been using this product for decades and the latest one I just got from musicians friend was defective and went back to the store. The issue is also the same, as the applicator is different and it's soaking wet. I also too thought it was counterfeit. WTF!

John M.

Thx Jonathan. It is only apparrant when using the slide, otherwise, it's great.  Unfortuately, I play a lot of slide

John M.

Hi. After I apply Fast fret I find residual grit on my strings that negatively affects the feel and sound of my glass slide. I started using a micro cloth to clean the fretboard as much as possible.  Any suggestions?

Jonathan Moody

Hi John, residual grit? You should wipe down the strings after applying the Fast-Fret, but that's interesting that there's a residual grit. I will look into this. 

Lee L.

I've used fast fret for as long as I've been playing guitar which is around 30 years now.

I don't like the current formula and will be looking for an alternative. The end piece also broke off the plastic stick on first use which was irritating. It feels too greasy and stays on my skin even after wiping hands. Sorry guys. I would rather pay more for something closer to the original. Maybe NOS will go for crazy money like tubes.

Jonathan Moody

Hi Lee, sorry to hear about the handle breaking. Can you send me some pictures? I'd be glad to get you a replacement. 

In terms of "current formula," the only thing that has changed in that regard is the scent used. And that was due to the former supplier going out of business, and GHS being forced to look elsewhere. 

David T.

What year did Fast Fret come out? I seem to remember using it back in the '70s.

Jonathan Moody

Good question! I'll have to do some digging and see if we can find out. 

Matthias S.

Hey! Question: can I use Fast Fret on an unfinished maple fingerboard or is that not recommended? Or is it possible to just put it on the strings if I'm really careful?

Neal D.

What did you do to the formula?  The current version is unusable.  I noticed you cut costs with the packaging and the handle.  That's annoying enough, but the current version of the formula is just awful.  It's now much too runny.  After I apply it to the strings and wipe off the excess, it all gravitates to the bottom of the neck.  After a minute or two my fret hand is covered in the stuff and it feels like it's covered in grease.  I'm getting a refund from Amazon and switching to a competitor. 

Jonathan Moody

Hi Neal, costs weren't cut as much as suppliers went out of business and we were forced to change direction immediately. Personally, I like the newer handle as I get a better grip on it. Plus, less plastic means less to throw away.

In regard to it being "too runny," that's due to moving to a heavy felt applicator over the former cotton one. The felt is able to absorb more fluid (which is the exact same) than the cotton, which is a benefit to many that have complained that it goes dry too quickly. We had to change the applicator as cotton became immediately unavailable due to making PPP for the past two years. 

I will pass along your feedback to our development team and see if there's something we can address. 

Milan Š.

Hello. I'm a big fan of Fast Fret, and I'm using it regularly. I have one question, though. Using Fast Fret on nylon tapewound bass strings - is it safe for strings?

Jonathan Moody

Hi Milan, you should be just fine to use Fast Fret on the nylon tapewound strings. I'm not sure what benefit it'll have, since the tapewounds are pretty resilient to any dirt and buildup, but it's perfectly fine to use. 

Nikto N.

I bought two of them. Both were empty. I asked for replacement and I've got another two empty units. I wonder how many empty units you've distributed around the world. Maybe the formula is really great, I would never know.

Jonathan Moody

Hi Nikto, I'm sorry to hear about that. Can you tell me when and where you purchased the Fast-Fret that had these issues? 

Nikto N.

Hi Jonathan. Just last week and got replacement yesterday from I'm not talking about empty can, everything was inside, even the smell, just the liquid is missing.

Jonathan Moody

Thanks for the info, I'll pass it along to our international sales rep. 

Nikto N.

Don't bother, I was told it should be empty. Can I buy the liquid separately? I don't like the idea of throwing perfectly fine item away just because the two drops of the miracle liquid soaked into the cotton padding are gone after two weeks.  

Jonathan Moody

It definitely should not be completely dry, no. In fact, since we've switched the applicator to a heavy felt it's been the opposite as the material holds more. I'd be curious how long the distributor in your area has had the inventory. 

Siriwat S.

Can I use FasFret on coated string ? for example : Elixir . somebody said that FastFret can melt the coating stuff.

Jonathan Moody

Hi Siriwat, we would not recommend using FastFret on coated strings.

Taneli B.

Is it unnecessary for coated strings or does it do something harm to the coating?

Joel A.

I have been using fast fret on my acoustic with Elixir strings for a few years now and it has only made my playing better and in my experience does not harm the coating. However, if one is concerned about that just put it on the back of the guitar neck instead of the front and make sure to use a cloth to get it nice and smooth.